Unit rfiletool

Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records


rfiletool is set of file and system functions used by other components.

Updated version compatible with Delphi2010+.


Functions and Procedures

function LoadFileList(FileList: TStrings; const DirWildCard: string; AddDirToFileName: Boolean = false): integer;
function LoadFileListSubDir(FileList: TStrings; const Dir: string; const FileWildCard: string): integer;
function GetFileSize(const FileName: string): Int64;
function GetGenericFileType(const AExtension: string): string;
function Sys_CopyDir(const fromDir, toDir: string; Confirmation: Boolean = true): Boolean;
function Sys_DeleteDir(const Dir: string; Confirmation: Boolean = true): Boolean;
function Sys_CopyFiles(const FileArray: array of string; const toDir: string): Boolean; overload;
function Sys_CopyFiles(const FileList: TStrings; const toDir: string): Boolean; overload;
function Sys_PasteFilesFromClipboard(const toDir: string): integer;
function Sys_PasteFilesFromDataObject(Obj: IDataObject; const toDir: string): integer;
procedure Sys_CopyFilesToClipboard(const FileArray: array of string); overload;
procedure Sys_CopyFilesToClipboard(const FileList: TStrings); overload;
function Sys_DeleteFilesToBin(const FileArray: array of string): Boolean; overload;
function Sys_DeleteFilesToBin(const FileList: TStrings): Boolean; overload;
function GetAssociatedIconHandle(FileName: string): HIcon;
procedure LoadAssociatedIconAsBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap; FileName: string);


Functions and Procedures

function LoadFileList(FileList: TStrings; const DirWildCard: string; AddDirToFileName: Boolean = false): integer;

fill list with all files according DirWildCard

function LoadFileListSubDir(FileList: TStrings; const Dir: string; const FileWildCard: string): integer;

fill list with all files according DirWildCard including files from subdirectories

function GetFileSize(const FileName: string): Int64;

Get file size as INT64

function GetGenericFileType(const AExtension: string): string;

Get file type description for defined extension

function Sys_CopyDir(const fromDir, toDir: string; Confirmation: Boolean = true): Boolean;

copy whole directory using standard progress dialog

function Sys_DeleteDir(const Dir: string; Confirmation: Boolean = true): Boolean;

delete whole directory using standard progress dialog

function Sys_CopyFiles(const FileArray: array of string; const toDir: string): Boolean; overload;

copy file list using standard progress dialog

function Sys_CopyFiles(const FileList: TStrings; const toDir: string): Boolean; overload;

copy file list using standard progress dialog

function Sys_PasteFilesFromClipboard(const toDir: string): integer;

paste files from clipboard using standard progress dialog

function Sys_PasteFilesFromDataObject(Obj: IDataObject; const toDir: string): integer;

paste files from data object (e.g. Email) using standard progress dialog

procedure Sys_CopyFilesToClipboard(const FileArray: array of string); overload;

copy file list to clipboard using standard progress dialog

procedure Sys_CopyFilesToClipboard(const FileList: TStrings); overload;

copy file list to clipboard using standard progress dialog

function Sys_DeleteFilesToBin(const FileArray: array of string): Boolean; overload;

delete file list (move to recykle bin)

function Sys_DeleteFilesToBin(const FileList: TStrings): Boolean; overload;

delete file list (move to recykle bin)

function GetAssociatedIconHandle(FileName: string): HIcon;

return handle of icon associated with the file type

procedure LoadAssociatedIconAsBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap; FileName: string);

load icon associated with the file type to bitmap



Jun 2016

Last Modified

Jan 2021

Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.