Unit rImprovedComps


rImprovedComps unit contains set of enhanced components, usually introducing many new functions and fixing some bugs (eg. high DPI): TrGroupBox, TrImageEx, TrMemoEx, TrComboBoxEx, TrButton, TrStringsHolder, TrEditDate, TrEditNum, TrImageListEx, TrTabControlEx + TrPageControlEx.

TrListBox, TrColorBox, TrColorListBox, TrCheckListBox - fix for high DPI

TrGroupBox - provide new type of groupbox with following functions: - headline caption with definable colors and possition; - 4 types of frames with definable colors; - min max buttons with automatical and animated functions; - gradient background or background image; - support dropping of files to box; - support automatic resizing of children components

TrImageEx - enhanced TImage with following functions: - bound label with definable possition; - drawing support for basic shapes (rect, elipse, halfelipse)

TrMemoEx - enhanced Memo component which provides highlighting of words in text according list of words or highlighting of text between start and stop tag

TrComboBoxEx - enhanced ComboBox component which provides automatic setting of dropdown listbox width according length of items text, multicolumn dropdown, and internal timer for delayed event after editing

TrButton - enhaced TButton with following functions: - new property ImagesDisabled which is used for disable state of button instead of DisableImageIndex, so the same image list as for toolbar and menus can be used

TrStringsHolder - non visual component containing Strings object for editing in design time and storing in application

TrEditDate - enhanced TEdit component which provides functionality for editing of date value

TrEditNum - enhanced TEdit component which provides functionality for editing of integer or float number

TrImageListEx - enhanced ImageList component which provides storing of images in external compressed resource file in design and runtime and can block storing images in DFM file for descendant modules, so list can be used in ihnerited forms

TrTabControlEx + TrPageControlEx - enhanced TabControl and PageControl - provides colored tabs, hottrack fonts, color and border; - close button in tabs; - function for reading active tab caption and changing of active tab - supports Themes, use rStyleHooks unit to add Styles support for XE2 and higher

Updated version compatible with Delphi2010+ and 64bit platform. Splash screen in demo version.


Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TrListBox enhanced TListBox with high DPI bug fix
Class TrColorBox enhanced TColorBox with high DPI bug fix
Class TrColorListBox enhanced TColorListBox with high DPI bug fix
Class TrCheckListBox enhanced TCheckListBox with high DPI bug fix
Class TrStatusBar enhanced TStatusBar with high DPI bug fix
Class TrToolBar enhanced ToolBar with with high DPI bug fix
Class TAutoResizePos subcomponent for autosize functionality for the TrGroupBox inside parent TrGroupBox; parent AutoResizeChild property define columns and rows matrix, AutoResizePos properties define possition of child rGroupBox
Class TAutoResizeChild subcomponent for autosize functionality of child components used by TrGroupBox; 1/ TrGroupBox child controls are resized according AutoResizePos properties of child control; 2/ other child controls are resized according AutoResizeChild.ChildCompsPos property
Class TrGroupBox enhanced TGroupBox which provides new type of groupbox with following functions: - headline caption with definable colors and possition; - 4 types of frames with definable colors; - min max buttons with automatical and animated functions; - gradient background or background image; - support dropping of files to box; - support automatic resizing of children components
Class TBoundLabel Label subcomponent used by other components
Class TrImageEx enhanced TImage supporting label and drawing of shapes
Class TrMemoEx enhanced TMemo component which provides highlighting of words in text according list of words or highlighting of text between start and stop tag
Class TDisplayedItems dropdown items properties used for TrComboBoxEx and TrDBComboBox
Class TrComboBoxEx enhanced TComboBox component which provides additional item properties and automatic setting of dropdown listbox width according length of items text
Class TrButton enhanced TButton with ImagesDisabled property which is used for disable state of button instead of DisableImageIndex
Class TrPopupMonthCalendar Popup version of TMonthCalendar, used by TrEditDate, TrDBEditDate, TrDBGrid and TrStringGridEd
Class TrEditDate enhanced TButtonedEdit allows fast entering of the date value by keyboard or by Month calendar; supported input formats - dd, dd/mm, dd/mm/yy, dd/mm/yyyy shortcuts - arrows Up/Down (optionaly Ctrl+Shift) to move date/month/year t = today, s = start of month, e = end of month, d,p = dropdown month calendar (if right button is visible)
Class TrEditNum enhanced TButtonedEdit component which provides functionality for editing of integer or float number
Class TrCheckTreeView enhanced TTreeView component which provides checkboxes and child/parent node auto check functions
Class TrStringsHolder non visual component containing Strings object for editing in design time and storing in application
Class TrImageListEx enhanced TImageList component which provides storing of images in external compressed resource file in design and runtime and can block storing images in DFM file for descendant modules, so list can be used in ihnerited forms
Class TTabPropsEx subcomponent defines all props and events for TrTabControlEx and TrPageControlEx
Class TrPageControlEx enhanced TPageControl which provides colored tabs, hottrack fonts, color and border, close button in tabs, function for reading active tab caption and changing of active tab; OwnerDraw must be set to TRUE to use this functions
Class TrTabControlEx enhanced TTabControl which provides colored tabs, hottrack fonts, color and border, close button in tabs, function for reading active tab caption and changing of active tab; OwnerDraw must be set to TRUE to use this functions
Class TrRichEdit enhanced TRichEdit with internal Popup menu, extended formatting, search function and support for drawing to Canvas
Class TrCategoryPanelEx fix the bug with subcomponents saved into DFM
Class TrCategoryPanelGroupEx fix the bug with subcomponents saved into DFM


TMinMaxBtnType = (...);
TBackgroundPictureType = (...);
TCaptionPosition = (...);
TSetChildrenValueTypes = (...);
TrGroupBoxVerticalAlignment = (...);
TrGroupBoxHorizontalAlignment = (...);
TDrawControl = procedure(WinControl: TWinControl; const Rect: TRect) of object;
TDropFilesEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; X, Y: integer) of object;
TShapeType = (...);
TLabelPos = (...);
TrMemoOption = (...);
TrMemoOptions = set of TrMemoOption;
TGetListItemProps = procedure(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas; Index: integer; State: TOwnerDrawState; var Rect: TRect; var Text: string; ShowBmp: TBitmap; var DrawSeparatorTop: Boolean; var DrawSeparatorBottom: Boolean) of object;
TComboLoadItemsEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; CurText: string; var NewText: string) of object;
enStyle = (...);
TTabGetPropsEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; TabIndex: integer; Font: TFont; var BkColor: TColor; var CanClose: Boolean) of object;
TTabCloseEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; TabIndex: integer; var CanClose: Boolean) of object;
TTabGetPopupMenu = procedure(Sender: TObject; TabIndex: integer; var PopupMenu: TPopupMenu) of object;
TTabDrawTabEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomTabControl; TabIndex: integer; PaneRect, TabRect: TRect; BkColor: TColor; Selected, Hot, CloseBtn: Boolean) of object;


cListBoxItemHeightDefault = 16;
cComboBoxItemHeightDefault = 16;
cDBComboBoxItemHeightDefault = 15;
rGroupBoxVerticalAlignmentStr: array [TrGroupBoxVerticalAlignment] of string = ('0', 'C', 'CL', 'CR', 'L', 'R', 'E');
rGroupBoxHorizontalAlignmentStr: array [TrGroupBoxHorizontalAlignment] of string = ('0', 'E', 'B');
rPopupMonthCalendarKeys: set of byte = [VK_UP, VK_DOWN, VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT];



TMinMaxBtnType = (...);

list of min max button types, used by TrGroupBox

  • mmbNone
  • mmbRound
  • mmbRect
  • mmbPicture
TBackgroundPictureType = (...);

list of background picture types, used by TrGroupBox

  • bkpNone
  • bkpCenter
  • bkpStretch
  • bkpTile
TCaptionPosition = (...);

list of caption possition types, used by TrGroupBox

  • cpTop
  • cpBottom
  • cpLeft
  • cpRight
TSetChildrenValueTypes = (...);

list of actions use by procedure SetAllChildren of TrGroupBox

  • chvSetVisibility
  • chvSetEnability
  • chvSetColor
  • chvSetDataSource
TrGroupBoxVerticalAlignment = (...);

list of possible vertical alignment for child component used by TrGroupBox

  • gbvaNothing
  • gbvaColumn
  • gbvaColumnLeft
  • gbvaColumnRight
  • gbvaLeft
  • gbvaRight
  • gbvaExpand
TrGroupBoxHorizontalAlignment = (...);

list of possible horizontal alignment for child component used by TrGroupBox

  • gbhaNothing
  • gbhaExpand
  • gbhaBottom
TDrawControl = procedure(WinControl: TWinControl; const Rect: TRect) of object;

event type for custom drawing used by TrGroupBox

TDropFilesEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; X, Y: integer) of object;

event type for dropping of files used by TrGroupBox

TShapeType = (...);

list of shape types used by TrImageEx

  • stRect
  • stRoundRect
  • stElipse
  • stHalfElipseLeft
  • stHalfElipseTop
  • stHalfElipseRight
  • stHalfElipseBottom
TLabelPos = (...);

list of boundlabel positions used by TrImageEx

  • lpInside
  • lpTopLeft
  • lpTopCenter
  • lpTopRight
  • lpBottomLeft
  • lpBottomCenter
  • lpBottomRight
TrMemoOption = (...);

list of options (popup menus) used by TrMemoEx

  • moAllowSetFont
  • moAllowWordWrap
  • moAllowLoadSaveFile
TrMemoOptions = set of TrMemoOption;

set of options (popup menus) used by TrMemoEx

TGetListItemProps = procedure(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas; Index: integer; State: TOwnerDrawState; var Rect: TRect; var Text: string; ShowBmp: TBitmap; var DrawSeparatorTop: Boolean; var DrawSeparatorBottom: Boolean) of object;

event type for getting of item properties used by TrComboBoxEx and TrDBComboBox

TComboLoadItemsEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; CurText: string; var NewText: string) of object;

event type used by TrComboBox

enStyle = (...);

list of numeric styles used by TrEditNum

  • enInteger
  • enFloat
TTabGetPropsEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; TabIndex: integer; Font: TFont; var BkColor: TColor; var CanClose: Boolean) of object;

event type for getting of tab props used by TTabPropsEx

TTabCloseEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; TabIndex: integer; var CanClose: Boolean) of object;

event type for tab closing notification used by TTabPropsEx

TTabGetPopupMenu = procedure(Sender: TObject; TabIndex: integer; var PopupMenu: TPopupMenu) of object;

event type for getting of tab popup menu used by TTabPropsEx

TTabDrawTabEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomTabControl; TabIndex: integer; PaneRect, TabRect: TRect; BkColor: TColor; Selected, Hot, CloseBtn: Boolean) of object;

event type for tab custom drawing used by TTabPropsEx


cListBoxItemHeightDefault = 16;
cComboBoxItemHeightDefault = 16;
cDBComboBoxItemHeightDefault = 15;
rGroupBoxVerticalAlignmentStr: array [TrGroupBoxVerticalAlignment] of string = ('0', 'C', 'CL', 'CR', 'L', 'R', 'E');

list of string abbreviation for possible vertical alignment for child component used by TrGroupBox

rGroupBoxHorizontalAlignmentStr: array [TrGroupBoxHorizontalAlignment] of string = ('0', 'E', 'B');

list of string abbreviation for possible horizontal alignment for child component used by TrGroupBox

rPopupMonthCalendarKeys: set of byte = [VK_UP, VK_DOWN, VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT];

============================================================================== TrPopupMonthCalendar



Oct 2010

Last Modified

Dec 2021

Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.